Maks Ovsjanikov
Smoothness and effective regularizations in learned embeddings for shape matching
Learning Spectral Unions of Partial Deformable 3D Shapes
Complex Functional Maps: A Conformal Link Between Tangent Bundles
Reduced Representation of Deformation Fields for Effective Non-rigid Shape Matching
Spectral Shape Recovery and Analysis via Data-driven Connections
Fast Sinkhorn Filters: Using Matrix Scaling for Non-Rigid Shape Correspondence With Functional Maps
Discrete Optimization for Shape Matching
Orthogonalized Fourier polynomials for signal approximation and transfer
Wavelet-based Heat Kernel Derivatives: Towards Informative Localized Shape Analysis
Instant recovery of shape from spectrum via latent space connections
MapTree: Recovering Multiple Solutions in the Space of Maps
ZoomOut: Spectral Upsampling for Efficient Shape Correspondence
Correspondence-Free Region Localization for Partial Shape Similarity via Hamiltonian Spectrum Alignment
Isospectralization, or how to hear shape, style, and correspondence
Improved functional mappings via product preservation
Computing and Processing Correspondences with Functional Maps
Computing and Processing Correspondences with Functional Maps