CLIP-Forge: Towards Zero-Shot Text-To-Shape Generation


Generating shapes using natural language can enable new ways of imagining and creating the things around us. While significant recent progress has been made in text-to-image generation, text-to-shape generation remains a challenging problem due to the unavailability of paired text and shape data at a large scale. We present a simple yet effective method for zero-shot text-to-shape generation that circumvents such data scarcity. Our proposed method, named CLIP-Forge, is based on a two-stage training process, which only depends on an unlabelled shape dataset and a pre-trained image-text network such as CLIP. Our method has the benefits of avoiding expensive inference time optimization, as well as the ability to generate multiple shapes for a given text. We not only demonstrate promising zero-shot generalization of the CLIP-Forge model qualitatively and quantitatively, but also provide extensive comparative evaluations to better understand its behavior.

Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Marco Fumero
Marco Fumero
PhD Student