Andrea Torsello
Graph Kernel Neural Networks
3D Shape Analysis Through a Quantum Lens: the Average Mixing Kernel Signature
The Average Mixing Kernel Signature
Spatial Maps: From low rank spectral to sparse spatial functional representations
Partial Functional Correspondence
A Game-theoretical Approach for Joint Matching of Multiple Feature throughout Unordered Images
An Accurate and Robust Artificial Marker Based on Cyclic Codes
Matching deformable objects in clutter
SHREC'16: Partial matching of deformable shapes
A Simple and Effective Relevance-Based Point Sampling for 3D Shapes
Fast and Accurate Surface Alignment Through an Isometry-Enforcing Game
Adopting an unconstrained ray model in light-field cameras for 3D shape reconstruction
Elastic net constraints for shape matching
Can a fully unconstrained imaging model be applied effectively to central cameras?
Stable and Fast Techniques for Unambiguous Compound Phase Coding
A Scale Independent Selection Process for 3D Object Recognition in Cluttered Scenes
A game-theoretic approach to deformable shape matching
Imposing Semi-local Geometric Constraints for Accurate Correspondences Selection in Structure from Motion: a Game-Theoretic Perspective
Multiview registration via graph diffusion of dual quaternions
Rune-tag: A high accuracy fiducial marker with strong occlusion resilience
A Non-Cooperative Game for 3D Object Recognition in Cluttered Scenes
Sampling relevant points for surface registration
Loosely distinctive features for robust surface alignment
Robust camera calibration using inaccurate targets
A game-theoretic approach to the enforcement of global consistency in multi-view feature matching
A Game-Theoretic Approach to Robust Selection of Multi-View Point Correspondence
Robust figure extraction on textured background: a game-theoretic approach
A game-theoretic approach to fine surface registration without initial motion estimation
Robust game-theoretic inlier selection for bundle adjustment
Fast 3D surface reconstruction by unambiguous compound phase coding