Latent Autoregressive Source Separation


Autoregressive models have achieved impressive results over a wide range of domains in terms of generation quality and downstream task performance. In the continuous domain, a key factor behind this success is the usage of quantized latent spaces (e.g., obtained via VQ-VAE autoencoders), which allow for dimensionality reduction and faster inference times. However, using existing pre-trained models to perform new non-trivial tasks is difficult since it requires additional fine-tuning or extensive training to elicit prompting. This paper introduces LASS as a way to perform vector-quantized Latent Autoregressive Source Separation (i.e., de-mixing an input signal into its constituent sources) without requiring additional gradient-based optimization or modifications of existing models. Our separation method relies on the Bayesian formulation in which the autoregressive models are the priors, and a discrete (non-parametric) likelihood function is constructed by performing frequency counts over latent sums of addend tokens. We test our method on images and audio with several sampling strategies (e.g., ancestral, beam search) showing competitive results with existing approaches in terms of separation quality while offering at the same time significant speedups in terms of inference time and scalability to higher dimensional data.

Proc. AAAI
Emilian Postolache
Emilian Postolache
Senior AI Research Scientist

Senior AI Research Scientist @ Iris Audio

Giorgio Mariani
Giorgio Mariani
PhD Student

Refactor specialist

Michele Mancusi
Michele Mancusi
PhD Student

PhD Student @SapienzaRoma CS | Intern @Musixmatch

Andrea Santilli
Andrea Santilli

PhD Student passionate about natural language processing, representation learning and machine intelligence.

Luca Cosmo
Luca Cosmo
Assistant Professor
Emanuele Rodolà
Emanuele Rodolà
Full Professor