Donato Crisostomi

Donato Crisostomi

PhD Student

Sapienza, University of Rome

I am an enthusiastic Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Sapienza, University of Rome, where I am part of the GLADIA research group, led by prof. Emanuele Rodolà.

I believe curiosity to have a primary role in guiding research, and hence I am always looking forward to explore new directions in my field. My background includes hands-on research experience in Natural Language Understanding, Computer Vision and Geometric Deep Learning. Some of my more stable interests include frontier Machine Learning themes such as Model Merging, Representational Aligment and Graph Representation Learning.

I wholeheartedly advocate for cleaner code in ML, as complexity should not be fought with more complexity. Maybe unsurprisingly at this point, I really enjoy coding. Funnily enough, I enjoy it so much that I often code as a mean to get away from a tiring day of coding.

In my (too little) free time, I enjoy throwing away my laptop to reconnect with nature through hiking and/or camping. Finally, like most of the humans on this planet, I enjoy travelling and good food.

  • Model Merging
  • Multi-Modality
  • Few-Shot Learning
  • Graph Representation Learning
  • Natural Language Understanding
